- No transportation refunds will be issued after September 30th.
- Routes are securely accessible throughout the school year by clicking the bus icon on each student's District-issued iPad. Check the Transportation icon periodically for updates.
District 67 is committed to having a safe and efficient student transportation program available to their students.
Transportation is fee-based, and bus routes are established to serve the greatest number of students with maximum safety and efficiency.
Please note:
- Changes for the 2024-2025 school year: District 67 bus routes are set by our transportation provider, Olson Transportation, and District 67. This year, to aid in the efficiency of routes and ensure that students are transported to school in a timely manner, the majority of the door-to-door stops have been converted to corner stops.
- Kindergarten First Day is Tues, August 27, and Wed., August 28. (Staggered Start)
- Kindergarten students ride the same buses as students in grades 1st-4th with centralized stops.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that the rider is at the scheduled bus stop in time to board the school bus to go to school and be at the bus stop upon the student's return at the end of the school day.
Bus passes and/or student ID cards will be distributed to students after school pictures have been taken. These passes/IDs must be shown when boarding the bus. Detailed information regarding student behavioral rules and regulations is available online.
Routes will vary somewhat from year to year, and changes may be necessary after the schedule has been put into operation. An emergency route system will be employed on a temporary basis if regular routes are unsafe or impassable.
Parents are required to provide transportation whenever children are detained or expected to come before school for disciplinary or other reasons. Also, if a student is temporarily disabled due to an illness or injury, that child’s bus stop may be temporarily adjusted as long as other bus stops on the route are not delayed and the bus arrival time to school is not affected.
Students should be at their stop at least ten minutes before the bus is to arrive and wait in an orderly manner. We ask for your cooperation in developing safe habits for coming to and returning from school and reserve the right to deny bus privileges to any student who does not exercise proper behavior.
- Arrive at the bus stop five (5) minutes early.
- Be respectful and follow the bus driver's instructions.
- Stay out of the street while waiting for the bus.
- Be respectful of others and private property. Bullying of any type is not allowed. (See definition of bullying below.)
- Form lines five (5) feet from the bus when boarding; pushing is not allowed.
- Watch your step and use the handrail when getting on and off the bus.
- Use "indoor" voices while on the bus.
- Keep aisles clear. Sit facing forward at all times while the bus is in motion.
- Be completely quiet when the bus stops at a railroad crossing so that the bus driver can hear.
- Eating and drinking are not allowed on the bus.
- Use respectable words and actions on the bus.
- Keep head, hands, feet, and possessions inside the bus at all times.
- Pay attention to your stop so you know when to get off the bus.
- After you get off the bus, go directly to your after-school destination.
NOTE: Parents cannot board a school bus for any reason. Complaints or questions must be filed with the principal or transportation coordinator.
The act of "bullying" can be described as the persistent, repeated, and/or chronic pattern of physical, verbal, and psychological harassment and the continual harming of another person within an unequal power relationship.
It is expected that each of these behaviors will be maintained. If expected behavior is not exhibited, one or more of the following consequences will occur (not in any order):
- Verbal warning from the bus driver;
- misconduct report from the driver sent to the principal;
- talk with the principal;
- student/teacher/principal conference;
- parent call;
- parent conference;
- student/teacher/parent/driver/principal conference;
- student may receive detention or be sent home;
- student may receive an in-school suspension;
- student may receive a suspension from school;
- student abusing privileges may be suspended; and
- action deemed appropriate by the administrator, determined by the circumstances.